Who Cares About the Launch of a Brand?

Molly Miller, chief content officer

Who cares about a launch of a brand? Especially when it’s not new—it’s the same brand, same name but new tagline—it’s spiffed up. Why does it matter? Why should readers and marketers care?

Well, probably you shouldn’t care about the spiffed up brand per se. But here’s why it could be important to you. Let’s say the brand was associated with one thing—the legal industry for example. And let’s say the company focused on that one thing expanded by acquiring other companies. Now the brand isn’t just about one industry—it’s about many industries. And you as a client might be able to take advantage of that—but you have to know about it first.

To be true to my earlier blogs, and my own 24-7 thinking, it still doesn’t matter because we’re talking about a company’s brand. I haven’t mentioned the customer problem. So here it is—professionals don’t work in one industry in a vacuum. They are in a vortex of business trends that swirl around them all day long. They need to know what’s going on in the world that affects them in this vortex, and makes them smarter and better able to guide their companies and their clients. And legal issues are not just the domain of lawyers and clients. Legal issues are the underpinning of all human activity in a society that abides by the Rule of Law. So whether you are a real estate developer, an insurance carrier, an investment advisor, or a risk manager, you do need to understand regulatory frameworks, penalties for non-compliance, growing trends in litigation, etc. And if you’re in law, you need to know what’s affecting those businesses that are in complex, potentially highly-regulated industries—it makes you aware, prepared, fingers on the pulse…

We’re committed to finding the ways to tell you why this matters to you. We know that our job is to insure we provide more value to you now that we are more than legal. We have about 75 use cases on hand that tie what we understand you are trying to accomplish—and what we do to help you get there. While we don’t ever want to minimize our roots in legal—because you rely on our expertise in legal journalism—we also want to help other professionals solve their challenges—like finding and keeping the best insurance brokers in the business, like connecting consultants with companies that need consultants, like helping commercial real estate developers determine the next industry building boom.

We’d love to get your feedback on our use cases. Let me know if you’d like to join our ALM Incubator team to tell us which ones make sense, which ones to build on, which ones to throw out…

Molly Miller

Chief Content Officer, ALM, Molly is responsible for leading the integrated editorial organization to develop synergies between industries, identify new monetization opportunities and engage critical audiences. Since joining ALM in 2012, Molly has held several leadership positions, including Publisher of The Recorder and Law.com, Chief Content & Product Officer and Chief Marketing Officer. Previously, she held marketing, editorial market planning and product champion roles at Lexis Nexis after practicing law in Cincinnati and reporting for the Cincinnati Enquirer.