Showing results for: Legal




Data Future is now

Data is the Future, and the Future is Now

Last week I sat for a panel discussion at Folio Show 2018 on how companies can better leverage big data, both from a marketing standpoint but also in how we build out products, strategies, and solutions for our customers. Today, data informs every business decision we make, and making sense of it all has become both a challenge and an opportunity.

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General Data Protection Regulation

The GDPR’s Only Just Beginning

Tell me, how many “We’ve updated our Privacy Policy” emails did you get the final two weeks of May? For me, it fell somewhere on the scale between “I wish I could see other emails on the first page” and “Please help, my computer is melting.”

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Heather Nevitt LMA

Takeaways From The GC Panel at the LMA Conference

Pushing Through the Noise: What Gets the Attention of GCs and Business Execs. As more law firms increase the amount of content pushed out to clients and potential clients, how do they really get their attention? And almost as important, how do they lose it?

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It’s Cultural

Innovating in a mature company is hard. That’s certainly not news to anyone who’s tried to do. It’s not the technology or the intricacies of business models that make it hard, it’s the real financial limitations of legacy products that still contribute and a process that has been ingrained for years.

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Who Cares About the Launch of a Brand?

Who cares about a launch of a brand? Especially when it’s not new—it’s the same brand, same name but new tagline—it’s spiffed up. Why does it matter? Why should readers and marketers care?

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